How Winemaker's Know It's Harvest Time

Finally, Fall is just around the corner and harvest time is beginning. This is the point where grape growers and wine makers become very focused on the grapes as they ripen. Then, once the grapes reach just the right level of ripeness, they are quickly harvested because, unlike other fruits, grapes don't continue to ripen once picked. So, you have to get it right.

If the grapes are picked too early they can be too acidic, too tannic and not contain the proper amount of sugar for a full and proper fermentation. Conversely, if the grapes are picked too late, the sugar level will be too high which can lead to an overly sweet wine. This is because fermentation will only go to the point where the yeast naturally dies due to the level of alcohol in the wine. So, the “residual sugar” doesn’t get converted to alcohol and remains in the wine.

The bottom line for grape growers and winemakers is to find the perfect time for harvest. While there is some science and chemistry involved there is also a lot of experience and intuition that goes into the decision to harvest the grapes.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the signs that the grapes are ready for harvest:

The Visual Appearance of the Grapes

From the experience and intuition categories, winemakers look for the exact color of the grapes to know when to harvest. The grapes may also take on different textures and levels of shininess versus dustiness as they reach the proper ripeness.

The Visual Appearance of the Seed Color

Winemakers also look at the stems and seeds as a sign of ripeness. As the grapes ripen, the stems will turn from green to brown. An un-ripe grape will have seeds that are white or green. When the grape seeds turn brown, they are nearing time for harvest. Winemakers may also taste the seeds. Unripe seeds can be highly tannic and bitter.

The Taste of the Grapes

It might seem obvious, but the taste of the ripening grape will also yield telltale signs to the winemaker. The grapes will have gotten mostly through the tannic and bitter stage and moved into being sweet. But again, the experience of the winemaker will determine if the grapes have just the right amount of tart and tannic qualities (that are very important in winemaking) while also having just the right amount of sweetness.

The Brix Level

From the science and chemistry side of things, winemakers will use a device called a refractometer to measure the ripeness of individual grapes. Brix measures the sugar levels in the grapes and allow a winemaker to convert that to how much alcohol the finished wine will have.

The Feel of the Grapes

Ripe grape berries (the individual grapes) are generally easier to pull from the stalks.

So, these are the primary methods used by winemakers to determine when the grapes are ready for harvest. A bit of science and a whole lot of experience goes into the final harvest decision. Cheers!

The Never Ending Search for Great Wine

A few years back as I started to become interested in wines, I was searching for a really great wine that I could dependably go back to time after time. While the search for a great wine was a fun adventure, it never seemed to converge on a wine that I could always go back to and enjoy as much as the first time.  As it turns out, that was just the start of the never ending search for a great wine.

Part of the reason that it's difficult, if not impossible, to find a consistently good wine year after year is the very nature of wine making.  Each year's harvest is different, with weather playing a huge role. The spring weather determines how many of the grapevine buds will turn into bunches of grapes. And the fall sun or rain determines how well the grapes will ripen. And not only is there the variability of the grape harvest, but there are all the factors that go into fermentation and aging of the wines.  All these variables make for ever-changes nuances in wines.

Then you come to understand that there's yet another factor.  As you make your way along the journey in search of a great wine, you get exposed to more and more wines. And in this process, your pallet changes.  What was once a really nice wine becomes a so-so wine. So you keep searching, trying to find that one really great wine.

And to this day, I'm sure that there has to be that one great wine out there. Somewhere.  So I'll keep searching. But I also realize that it's a never ending search for great wine.  Enjoy your search. Cheers!

Behind the Cork™ Wine of the Week -  Opolo Vineyard Summit Creek Cabernet Sauvignon ($20)

This wine from Paso Robles CA is a great find. Described as having defined tannins with flavors of cherry, blackberry, toasted almonds and vanilla this Cabernet is a winner.  A super wine to enjoy grilled meats, cheeses, or just by itself.  Check this one out!

What is Beaujolais Nouveau?

Ever heard of Beaujolais Nouveau?  Well, its name literally mean 'new Beaujolais' and it really is 'new.'  

On the third Thursday of each November, France releases Beaujolais Nouveau wine to the world. The 'new' part of this wine is due to the fact that the grapes used to make this wine are picked from the vineyards just a couple of months prior to its release!  Yes, just of couple of months! That's compared to most wines that spend a year or more going through the fermentation and aging process before being bottled and shipped to market.  But Beaujolais Nouveau gets from the vineyard to you in about two months!

Word has it that this wine was originally produced for the harvest workers in France to immediately thank them for all their hard work just after harvest was complete. But now its production is somewhere between 30-60 million bottles so that the entire world can enjoy.

This wine is named for the village of Beaujeu in France, which is a small region just south of Burgundy. And there is a celebration in France each year, the 'Les Sarmentelles' festival to celebrate the release of Beaujolais Nouveau that includes music, dancing, fireworks and plenty of wine.

This wine is produced entirely from handpicked Gamay grapes and because it is so new, it is very fresh and fruity. Many describe Beaujolais Nouveau as having flavors of candied cherries, strawberries, red plum, bananas and even bubble gum!  When was the last time you heard of a wine having flavors of banana and bubble gum?  

Many may say that Beaujolais Nouveau is "not very good," but you have to look at the fact that millions of bottles are sold worldwide and that Beaujolais Nouveau is meant to be enjoyed, not critiqued.  What you will find is that this wine is low in tannin (doesn't make you mouth feel dry) and has high acidity (mouth watering) and is great with foods.

So go out to a local wine store and pick up a bottle or two of Beaujolais Nouveau.  It's not going to be the best wine you've ever tried, but it will be an experience. And raise your glass to the French harvest workers and, for that matter, all vineyard harvest worker around the world. Rather than critique it, just enjoy it!  Cheers!